Workmen have constructed a reading table on the roof of a building under construction. With this reading table, they have a well lit place to review the design drawings they have to work from.

Good preparation is half the battle
Constructing a new building is a complex matter. Everything seems fluid during the construction phase, hence the workmen need to be aware that all steps during this phase need to be done in a fixed order. This therefore requires careful planning, and careful execution. An error in a working drawing, or an error in the interpretation of a working drawing, can lead to serious problems.
First, it can compromise the safety of the building. Second, it can jeopardize the safety of construction workers. Finally, it may mean that work done must be demolished and redone. This entails considerable costs.
Contemplation at the reading table
This is why it is important that work must be carried out accurately on the construction site, despite the always present time constraints. That is why construction workers make reading corners for themselves, where they can reflect on in peace and see what is to be their next step.
Imagine: a construction worker, deep in thought, staring at a building plan. At a place like this, this quickly evokes the association of a road chapel, even if it is on the roof of a construction site. But this is not a public space. This place is only available and visible to the men who work here in all weather. Until they finish this phase. Then they break off this reading table and continue their work elsewhere.