Music – Inspiration for the present
In much of music by Renske Vrolijk she refers to the present and the near future. She does this by using inspiring examples from the past. Therefor she she uses original phonograph recordings in her composition After Dinner Toast from the time that Thomas Edison was promoting his invention. He thought he could replace letter post with his wax roll cylinders. Edison’s contemporaries were amazed and fascinated by his invention. However, they mainly used his invention as entertainment. With that they resemble us with our fascination for technological developments and its frivolous uses.
Despite the fact that technology changes at lightning speed, our basic reactions remains the same. First of all, amazement, second excitement, third acceptance, fourth exploitation and finally boredom, to look out for the next (new) gimmick. We might be able to quickly master new technological developments, psychologically our evolution has a much slower pace.
Music – A bow to the past
As it might not be surprising, the past offers a great wealth of examples for inspiration, both iconographically and literally. Hence, this helps to offering a richer experience for the listener (I hope).
Several musical examples from the last 600 years have been a starting point for Renske Vrolijk has incorporated into her music. First, in her piano work KOKON L’homme armé is the starting point, as well as in Squawk Box she composed for the Amstel Quartet. Second, Sweelinck’s Mein junges Leben hat ein End served as inspiration in Whirly Girls, which she composed for ensemble Electra. Third, in the aforementioned After Dinner Toast, Arthur Sullivans The Last Chord serves as a connecting link with the past. Likewise, music by Adriaan Willaert found its way into Ghost Wall, which she composed for Brisk recorder quartet.
If you have made it as far as here I guess you might be interested. Would you like to perform music composed by Renske Vrolijk? Or would you like information about a (new) composition? Please contact her via the contact form.